Forrest Chat

Interviews exploring individual endeavour in Western Australia. What it takes, what it means and how to do it.

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5 days ago

We flip the script this episode with Caroline interviewing Paul about being a podcaster. It's a little of what goes on behind the scenes and covers the questions we ask each guest.
My favourite quote of the episode is: "I certainly see some crossing of I's when I talk through some of these things with people."

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Ken talks about what it takes to be a State Emergemcy Services (SES) member, what it means to him, his family and the community, and then talks about getting involved in your community.
My favourite quote of the episode is: "It's not necessarily, let's get a chainsaw and cut it off."

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Jason talks about being the president of a car club, what it takes, the connections it builds and how he became a club prsident.
My favourite Quote of the episode is "It's been a real eye-opener this year and really encouraging from my perspective as president"

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Gloria talks about what it takes to be a missionary, what being a missionary means to the community and how to become a missionary.
My favourite quote of this episode "There always seemed to be someone that I just could sense that they had a problem or they were needy or they were sad or troubled in some way. And a conversation would just strike up."
Youth With A Mission

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Tom shares what it takes to be a pilot, the difference being a pilot makes and how to become a pilot.
My favourite quote of this episode is: “You know, the pilots, you know, we're all saying, oh, we wish we were a rock star. And he's there saying, oh, I wish I was a pilot.”

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Nick talks about his musical history, what it takes to be a musician in a band, what being a musician means to him, his family and the community, and how to go about becoming a musician.
My favourite quote of the episode is: "And there was this big, empty, cool room downstairs under the house. And almost immediately, we filled it up with gear and noise. Lots of noise. Lots of noise and lots of cigarette smoke, and I feel sorry for my poor mum because the kitchen was on top of the, of the room. And yet she was very, very tolerant and very long suffering."

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Marilyn shares her experience of cycling in Vietnam and Mongolia, what it took, what it means to her, her family and the Mongolian community and how she got there.
My favourite quote of the episode is: "I think it kind of feels like it can't end there because we all got so much out of it."

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Jon explains just what skyrunning is and then shares what it takes to organise skyrunning events, what skyrunning events mean to people involved and how he makes the events happen.
My favourite quote if the eipisode is: "Because if they go the wrong way, they can end up miles off in the bush, completely lost, well away from where they should be."

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Bill talks about what it takes to guide the first female to win the Austraian Rally Championship Driver title, what it means and how he did it.
My favourite quote of the episode is: "Especially a professional level as a co-driver, once you agree to be in you've got to be in 100%. You know your whole focus from fitness to keeping your body weight low in the car. all these sorts of things, you've got to be a 100% in..."

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Amy talks about what it takes to go dragon boat racing, what it means to her and her friends and how to go dragon boat racing.
My favourite quote of this episode: “I've become involved more locally in my community and this is just another addition to that that's helped me to look around and go gosh I live in a great place and I can be part of something, I can have teammates and friends and work towards a common goal and that's been so rewarding for me.”
2024 AusChamps - Champion Lakes, Armadale, WA:


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